d3t welcomes Kris Pope, Lead Designer
2nd Jul 2021
Experience / Career Background
I’m lucky enough to have been working in the games industry for 15 years.
I started in QA at Evolution Studios working on MotorStorm. I was there for 12 years, moving into Design and working on WipEout, DRIVECLUB, ONRUSH and the entire MotorStorm series.
At the end of 2018, I joined Slightly Mad Studios and worked remotely on Project Cars 3.
Why d3t?
The main attraction of d3t to me was the culture. I have worked with a few of the people here before and they have always spoken highly of d3t.
I am also really looking forward to getting the chance to work on a variety of projects across different genres.
Fun fact:
The house I live in used to be a pub, popular with local poachers. This was all a long time ago though and the beer is long gone!
My hobbies include travel, gardening and predictably, gaming. In addition to console and PC gaming, I like to play boardgames and have a collection of around 100.