d3t welcomes Alex
1st May 2020
Experience / Career Background
I studied 3D animation at The Animation School in South Africa. After finishing, I spent the next year doing freelance character rigging for various projects and also Motion Design for e-learning content at Hubble Studios.
Why d3t?
Since moving to the UK I’ve been looking for somewhere where I could be involved in a variety of projects and work with some awesome people. It seemed like d3t would be a great fit for this. The recruitment process was very quick and painless. I sent in my CV and demo reel and in few days was invited in for an interview where I met some of the art team. It was a really positive experience and it was evident that they all had a love of the work they were doing. I was offered the position within a week of the interview and was very happy to accept.
Fun fact:
I’m a competitive Ballroom dancer.