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d3t welcomes Darrell Timms, Principal Level Designer

25th Apr 2024


Tell us a bit of information about your experience/career background?

I have worked as QA, QA Lead, Game Designer, Senior and Lead Game Designer, Level Designer, Senior and Lead Level Designer for a variety of companies in a 25-year career so far. During this time, I have contributed to titles such as Star Citizen/Squadron 42, Call of Duty, Harry Potter, Sniper Elite, Wipeout 2048 and many others.

Why d3t?

I know that d3t look after their employees, first and foremost. It’s very important to me that employees are treated with respect and provided a place to work that nurtures their creative and professional desires and by all accounts d3t has nailed this.

What do you love about games?

I’ve played video games since I was 3 and have been trying to make or mod games as far back as the Spectrum 48k, Commodore Amiga and then PC.

I love the escapism. The best games, in my opinion, take you to another world for a period of time similar to a good novel.

There are games to suit any mood you are in or any time you have available, and I love the flexibility of sitting down, whether it’s for 10 minutes or 10 hours to enjoy something I have loved my entire life.

What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?

Currently I am playing S.C.U.M, Diablo 4, Last Epoch, Nightingale, and Enshrouded.

I finished Baldur’s Gate 3 a few months ago and that was probably my favourite of the last few years.

However, my all-time greatest game could not be narrowed down to just one. It’s literally impossible for me to do that.  I can list a few of my favourites from the last 35 years though? Ant-Attack (Spectrum), Robin Hood (Spectrum), Rebel Star (Spectrum), Nitro (Amiga), Moonstone (Amiga), Diablo 2 (PC), Grim Dawn (PC), X-Com original (Amiga/PC), Elder Scrolls – Daggerfall (PC) + many more!

Do you have any fun facts or hobbies?

Fun facts?  Errrm. I can’t kill insects. I always save them instead whether it’s from a path, a road or my bedroom ceiling!

Hobbies are the usual nerdy interests such as reading, playing/making games and promising to go to a gym but never quite finding the time/inclination.


Thinking of Starting a Project?