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d3t welcomes Paul Cooper, Principal QA Tester

7th Feb 2024


Tell us a bit of information about your experience/career background?

I’ve had ten years in the games industry, mostly as a QA at various levels, but I’ve also had a dabble at vehicle handling design.

I’ve only worked on racing games so far, Driveclub being my first title, and WRC (23) being the most recent – so racing is my bread and butter really, and I can bring some skills in that regard, but I’m also keen to explore other genres with d3t too.

Why d3t?

Several reasons really:

I have some good friends who already work at d3t, people I met in the old Sony Evo studio down the road – and they’ve only said good things about d3t and the people there.

It’s an ambitious studio that seems to really look after the staff, and the whole ethos of the place just sounded right to me.

I also saw that the team did some work on Shenmue, which has a big place in my heart and gets me pretty nostalgic. It’d be great to get hold of another classic and work on it.

The location is also perfect for me, it’s within throwing distance of my previous studio, so I can cycle in if I want to!

I was looking at several other studios when I interviewed, but I can honestly say that this was the one I really wanted. I feel so lucky and grateful to have been accepted and cannot wait to start!

What do you love about games?

I’m old…like, really old, so I’ve played many, many games over the years – starting with the likes of Pong and Pacman, right through to the present day – there has never been a time where I haven’t had at least one or two systems and played games.

I love the escapism of it, doing things that I could never do in real life, like blasting a 20 yard overhead kick on EA SPORTS FC 24 for example.

And I love seeing the constant advances in the technology, of which there have been many in my 40+ years of gaming.

What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?

EA SPORTS FC 24 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare III currently (I have to fit in what I can right now, whilst powering through the heavy work that comes with a 7 month old baby).

Favourite game though? It feels unfair to pick one! There are so many…Zelda Breath of the Wild, both of the recent God of War Games, the GTA’s, the Battlefields…I could go on and on!

Do you have any fun facts or hobbies?


Thinking of Starting a Project?