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d3t welcomes Richard Britt, Principal Programmer

6th Mar 2024


Tell us a bit of information about your experience/career background?

I’ve always had a passion for games and have always been keen to make them myself. I therefore couldn’t believe that I could not only study Games Development at University, but that after doing so that I’d actually get my first industry job working on racing games at Evolution Studios.

Whilst there I helped craft the chaotic driving stampede of the MotorStorm series, which was then followed by the professional racing AI of DriveClub. We then went on to expand the franchise with DriveClub Bikes and the DriveClub VR edition.

I then moved on to work with Codemasters on Onrush, which was a real career highlight because I had the chance to build a new engine from scratch, which allowed me to put into practise a lot of ideas we’d all been waiting try out!

My latest role was with Avalanche Studios where I was code lead on Call of the Wild: The Angler. It was really interesting to work on something so different, where I had the chance of developing the new technologies needed for shipping a title on so many platforms!

Why d3t?

I found myself drawn to d3t because of how much positivity I’ve heard over the years about the studio’s attitude and values. I also really like the scope and range of projects, alongside the fantastic track record the studio has as a best place to work.

What do you love about games?

I love games for so many reasons. The way they can be immersive escapes, teach you new ways of solving challenges, be creative outlets or just simply be pure art, and so much more. I also love the fascinating technologies that drive games, and how it continues to be a space where we are all pioneers!

What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?

I love playing games with my family, and so I’m particularly drawn to all games with a good cooperative mode. We’ve found Sniper Elite to be a series we’ve come back to again and again, though with my daughter we spend more time on Minecraft!

Do you have any fun facts or hobbies?

Not everything I make is with a keyboard, I also love woodworking and have made many pieces of furniture dotted around our house. I also love whiskey, and so to combine these two loves I’ve built a 1920s themed prohibition bar in my shed!


Thinking of Starting a Project?