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d3t welcomes Rob Meade, Programmer

8th Apr 2024


Tell us a bit of information about your experience/career background?

I was introduced to computers at the age of 8 with our first family computer, the Atari 800.  I was hooked! I went from playing games like Space Invaders and Pac-Man to tapping in code from magazines and seeing what would happen, to trying my hand at my own games.

20 years later I started self-teaching HTML, CSS, and ASP. I created an online forum for my Quake 2 friends so that we could chat. This led to a 16-year career working for the NHS as a systems developer, and later technical manager. During this time, I would design, develop, and deliver both clinical and administrative solutions that would support patients and staff. One of my favourites, an award-winning project, helped redirect ambulances to other hospitals which were under less pressure. I felt I made a difference.

In 2015 I started an online course to learn C# by making games. Again, I was hooked! I initially volunteered and later worked for a company who created online courses for games development and was able to provide support to other students along with QA for course content.

This led to an opportunity in 2018 where I had the privilege of offering mentorship to a student from the Nueva School in California, this was a wonderful experience and a great opportunity to give back. In 2023 I received an unexpected email from my mentee who thanked me for my support and guidance and told me that my mentorship had ignited a passion for computer science, he had just graduated from high school and was now heading off to university. It was a wonderful surprise and I’m so glad I could be a little part of his journey.

2019 was the year I enrolled in my Foundation Degree in Games Design and Development. I graduated in 2022 with a 1st Class Honours and felt proud of my achievement and grateful to those who had helped and supported me in my journey. My degree broadened my knowledge of the games industry, provided insight to other disciplines and technologies.

Since then I have continued my journey of self-development and thoroughly enjoy every opportunity to learn something new.

Why d3t?

I was introduced to d3t during my degree and subsequently had the pleasure of taking part in a webinar where I received some excellent advice from Phil Owen, Head of Engineering. I took that advice! 

d3t’s values really do align with my own, especially those of transparency, respect, and excellence. Seeing the company receive awards for Best Place to Work combined with seeing a lot of positivity regarding d3t’s culture was really reassuring.

As a co-development studio I’m excited by the variety of projects I will be able to work on, as well as the scope for learning from a team of such talented individuals.

What do you love about games?

For multiplayer games, I love that games can bring people together to enjoy a shared experience and give them something in common. I have enjoyed playing games with people from all around the world, and when you speak to each other, you’ll often learn a little something you didn’t know about that person’s country, or life. I find it fascinating how games can help bridge the divide between people around the world and focus our attention on what we have in common, rather than what we don’t.

Games also provide a little escapism. At the click or tap of a button you can be a F1 race driver, a space marine, a pirate, a commander of legions in a historical battle, or an athletic hedgehog that likes gold coins. Games offer us so many possibilities.

What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?

I play Catan on almost a daily basis, I enjoy the unpredictability of an opponent’s strategy. 

Fortnite is another game I play very frequently; I like that it’s so easy to just drop into and have some fun. I typically wear default skins (to help stay hidden in bushes!) and enjoy being called a “noob” by youngsters, only to then spend most of a game reviving them :D

Age of Empires has always been a favourite, all the way back to its first release. You’ll often find me laying siege to an opponent’s town with far more siege weapons than are necessary. Wololo!

Do you have any fun facts or hobbies?

In my youth, oh so many years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed playing Warhammer 40K and painted more Ork Gretchin than anyone should ever paint! Every 40K army needs cannon fodder though, right? I’m currently (read: for the last few years) trying to finish painting some minis for Necromunda, I just need more time…and paint…and time.

I am also a certified technical dive master and have been found in various cold, dark, and deep locations around the UK. I have assisted in the training of other technical dive students which I found really rewarding.

Aside from the above, just the everyday things, walking, cooking, movies, and learning to speak Italian.


Thinking of Starting a Project?