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d3t welcomes Seamus Doran, Associate Programmer

2nd Jul 2021


Experience / Career Background

I studied Electronic and Computer engineering at the University of Nottingham, though in my second year I was able to get an internship in industry which set me on the path to where I am now!

Why d3t?

I applied for the job through grads in games and genuinely enjoyed the coding test. Upon meeting the team, hearing about life at d3t and seeing the projects previously on offer I was raring to get going!

Fun fact:

Fun fact: In France, pet snails require a ticket to ride high-speed rail.
Fun fact about me: Grammatically speaking, everyone spells my name wrong, even me!

My Hobbies include all things baking and cooking, hanging out with my cat Belle and working on my goal of 100%-ing every Lego game released!


Thinking of Starting a Project?