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d3t welcomes Stefan Hambridge, Graduate Programmer

27th Feb 2024



Tell us a bit of information about your experience/career background?

Programming and making games are two things that I have been interested in my early years at primary school. Back then I used to play on the platform “ROBLOX” where the purpose was to develop experiences for other players and then share them with others. Even though I couldn’t understand it a great deal back then, it did put me on the track to start my programming career.

For the most part I have developed games in the Unity engine and have made use of C# to develop these games for my university projects. However, more recently I have taken a liking to C++ and the Unreal Engine. So, for my last year at University, I decided that my first Unreal Engine project would be my dissertation piece, which I found to be a great learning experience.

Why d3t?

I’ve always wanted to learn and better my skills as a programmer, and I feel like d3t will enable me to reach the goal of becoming a more experienced programmer.

With d3t being a co-development studio, I believe that this will allow me to gain a lot of experience in programming, not only from the varied projects that the studio is working on, but also from the experienced and talented team.

Furthermore, I’ve really enjoyed speaking to those that I have met at d3t so far and I believe that the studio offers a really great welcoming atmosphere.

What do you love about games?

One thing that I’ve always loved about games is trying to understand how things work. Most of the projects that I have worked on during my time at university have always been inspired by another game. This is because I enjoy trying to understand what it takes to make something great, and in particular something that I have loved sinking time into playing.

Furthermore, I really enjoy games because they offer the freedom that isn’t offered in the real world, you’re able to change who you are and experience many different stories.

What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?

I never particularly stick to one game; I like to move between games a lot of the time. Though the genre that mostly interests me are racing games. Some of the racing games that I have played recently include the latest Forza Motorsport and EA’s WRC both of which have been great experiences. I really enjoy the fast-paced competitive nature of racing games because you always have to be on your toes thinking about every moment.

When it comes to my favourite game, this is a difficult one to choose. Warframe is one that always pulls me back, however, as a racing fan I also can’t forget to mention the early 2000 era of Need for Speed!

Do you have any fun facts or hobbies?

Other than playing video games, I like to go out and ride on my bicycle as I get to explore and see things as well as keeping myself in shape. I also enjoy vehicles and motorsports, rally in particular.


Thinking of Starting a Project?