d3t is no ordinary workplace. Our studio, workday, and activities, have all being designed with our team’s wellbeing in mind. We’re also constantly adding new benefits for our team to enjoy and make use of and take regular suggestions from our team as to how can improve them. Take a look at many of our team’s benefits below, or you can learn more about d3t here.
Our Values

"Enjoyment and Expression"
Creativity should be encouraged and praised, and fun should be had. We make games, and we are gamers at heart, so we make sure that we keep true to this and enjoy our work so that our clients and players will see the best end results. 

“Pushing ourselves to the highest standards”
100% into everything. That is what we do. No matter how small, big, complex, or simple, we pride ourselves on our quality and excellence. Together we have helped create some the world’s greatest games, made possible by our team’s drive, dedication, and passion. 

“Be Kind. Be Courteous”
We are built upon a foundation of trust and respect. Each and every member of our team is valued no matter their position. Across our studio we have a clear focus on inclusivity, diversity, trust, respect, and reward. 

“Working together, and for each other”
We value togetherness and the need for continuous knowledge sharing, collaboration, and development amongst our team. Team players will go far in their careers, whereas solo players will struggle, and we continuously look for the best that will drive us forward as a group. 

“Easily seen, easily heard, easily understood”
Honest communication, openness to feedback, and accountability. These three key pillars form the transparent nature of d3t and enable us as a studio to continue to drive forward in the positive manner that our team expect. 

“Care for career and life”
We believe making games shouldn’t be a crunching task. Nor should you need to know everything about them and how they're made. But we value determination and a thirst to learn. We'll nurture your skillset and will allow you to grow both inside and outside of work, all while supporting your wellbeing. That's our promise. 