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Spotlight: John Green, Associate Programmer

24th Mar 2022

John Green_spotlight


How did you get your job at d3t?

During my third-year at university, I was lucky enough to have my fellow peers nominate my research project to Grads in Games, where I went on to win the Core Tech Programmer award. Through this and the contacts that I made at several networking/university career events I was able to get an interview with d3t and the rest is history!

What do you do day-to-day?

I work on implementing the underline graphics and visual effects for the projects that I work on. This typically involves me re-writing or executing new visual effects into the game to ensure that it looks its best.

One of the key things that I enjoy about my role is fixing things, such as when something in the rendering breaks as I love the process of tracking down why certain things are behaving the way they are and fixing them.

Beyond that, I work remotely so I am normally on calls with my fellow team members where we discuss a variety of topics related to the project along with supporting each other with our tasks.

Do you have any tips for people looking to get into the games industry?

Find a way that helps you stand out. This could be anything such as undertaking a third-year project that is different from the rest, or even taking part in games competitions.

Also using tools such as HackerRank to test yourself on the latest programming challenges can help solidify your skills as a programmer. This will make you a more well-rounded candidate when it comes to doing programming tests and you joining the industry.

We are hiring

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