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d3t welcomes Giovanna Perdomini, Senior Level Designer

9th Jan 2024


Tell us a bit of information about your experience/career background?

Before starting my careers in games, I jumped between history degrees and comic art and writing. However, when I discovered game development as a career, I utterly fell in love. I wasn’t quite sure right away what I wanted to do; I just knew that I needed to be part of this world.

I spent my first few years in the same company, learning and experimenting, and eventually becoming a level designer. This role not only allowed me to improve my expertise, but it also allowed me to mentor others at the company, which I absolutely loved.

Why d3t?

After working for many years on the same project, I really needed a change of pace, a place where I could, with time, experiment with different styles and genres and d3t fit this perfectly.

Whilst researching d3t, I learned about the studio’s incredible culture, one of the most important aspects for a company. And all that I had read was confirmed to be true from the first interview. They made me feel welcome right away, and I’m beyond excited about being part of it all.

What do you love about games?

I love the multi-layered level of creativity that games can offer. There’s problem solving, there’s art, there’s beauty and there’s fun. I’ve loved creating games since I was a child, even if back then it was of course at a much smaller scale.

It’s a medium that offers visual stories and interactivity, unlike any other. It also allows for great experimentation and incredible variety.

What games are you currently playing, and what is your favourite game?

I’m currently jumping between Spiritfarer, Age of Empires, Spiderman, and Assassin’s Creed. However, I’m really looking forward to the new Final Fantasy VII game.

Of the last few years, the game that I loved the most is, without a doubt, Ghost of Tsushima.

From my childhood years, I’ll never forget Monkey Island, King’s Quest and a few platformers like Prince of Persia, Aladdin, and the Lion King. An important mention also goes to StarCraft. These are some of the first games I ever played, and I still hold them dear.

Do you have any fun facts or hobbies?

As one might guess from my background prior to games, I am a big history nerd, and have an immense love for comics. I still occasionally do some comic art, now and then.

I also have a love for creative writing which, together with my passion for history, tends to make me spiral in hours of research on the most peculiar topics. This is somewhat of a warning.

My favourite current hobby is playing TTRPGs, and the occasional board game.


Thinking of Starting a Project?